Facts About Electric Cars
Do You Know the Difference between a Tango, Tesla and Smart Car?
As we all suffer the pain of spiking petrol prices, more and more interest grows in electric cars. They are the ultimate for zero-emissions, but still have their limitations, and for many of us are off-limits simply because of high price tags.
Want to know more? We're going to try to deliver all the facts about electric cars that you want to know including-
- disadvantages and advantages of electric cars
- which electric cars are available (or almost) for sale today
Tesla Roadster
Tango T600
Mitsubishi MiEV
Chevy Volt
Smart EV
G-Wiz EV
Venturi Fetish
- variations on pure EVs (electric vehicles)- diesel electric cars, gas electric cars, hybrid electrics
- concept models, and what electric car manufacturers are suggesting the future holds for electric vehicles
- electric car conversions- there are plenty out there, even solar electric cars, but how do they do it?
- history of electric cars, yes, they have been around for years!
As new electric cars come onto the market, we are gradually seeing more electric charging stations being established. Where electric cars are popular, cities like London and Tokyo, electric charging stations are popping up like flies. London has a growing number of charging points as EV's continue to grow in popularity.
In Japan, one of the big supermarket chains, Aeon Co. is in negotiations with electric car manufacturers in order to set up battery charging stations at malls so that EV drivers can recharge their cars while they shop. Yes, they only take one hour to recharge, not the usual 7-10 hours, perfect timing to get your shopping done.
If you've seen any electric cars, probably not here in Australia, but in London, Tokyo or California, then you'll know that they tend to be strange, if not butt ugly machines! Apart from the Chevy Volt (not yet available), there's only the sleek Tesla Roadster, the sporty electric car with the body of a Lotus, yes, the one that all the rich and famous are lining up for, and the Venturi Fetish at a pricy $400 000.
The pickings are still slim if you want a 'cool ride' as well as an emission-free one, but slowly look to be improving!
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