Organic Cleaning Products

Keeping Pests Out of Your Kitchen

Part of our look at organic cleaning products to clean your home is inspired by problems I have faced in my own kitchen, and my search for natural cleaning products to use.

I have had a constant problem with pantry moths and weevils. Although I try to keep nearly all of my grains, cereals and biscuits in glass jars or plastic containers I was still constantly finding moths in my cupboard, which meant they were finding somewhere to breed.

I have now placed bay leaves in every container, it doesn't affect the taste of the food but the pests find it a deterrent. If you are worried about the taste of your food you can stick the bay leaf to the inside of the lid.

**TIP- Another way to keep the moths at bay is to put black pepper in a small cotton bag and place in cupboards.

A few other tips for your kitchen to help keep pests at bay-

  • wipe up spills immediately and every once in a while wipe your cupboards with oil of cloves
  • keep cereal, biscuits, grains and flours in insect-proof glass or plastic containers
  • always tidy up food scraps and dishes before pests can seek them out

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